Calendar of Events

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Here's what's happening at Riverside Baptist Church


19 - 4:00 - Deacons Meeting


5-12 - Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer for North American Missions

12 - Daylight Savings Begins

19 - 5:00 - Deacons Meeting 


2 - Palm Sunday;  Lord’s Supper

7 - 7:00  pm- Good Friday Service

8 - 1:00 - 3:00 - Easter Egg Hunt

9 - Easter -  6:45 - Sunrise Service at the cemetery followed by breakfast (7:03 am sunrise)

16- 5:00 - Deacons Meeting

23 - 6:00 pm - Quarterly Business Meeting


14 - Mother's Day (no evening service)

17 - 7:00 - Missions Night

20 - Clean Cemetery

21 - Deacons Meeting

28 - 11:00 am - Memorial Day Service  and Pot Luck Dinner after worship